Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage haben wir den Workshop COMEDY INTENSIVE bei Steve Kaplan am 6. und 7. Mai 2017 in einen Hörsaal der Technischen Universität München in der Theresienstraße verlegt. Dadurch gibt es ab sofort wieder freie Plätze, die unter gebucht werden können.
Whether you’re writing a comedy screenplay, working on a sitcom script, or producing or directing a comedy film or television series, Steve Kaplan’s Comedy Intensive is a must for any serious professional. Find out why the top writers, producers and directors from companies such as ABC, Disney, BBC, Dreamworks, Aardman Animation, NBC, Touchstone Television and others regularly attend his famed class.
The Comedy Intensive is a two-day course that explores the hidden tools and principles of comedy: what it is, how it works, why it works, what’s happening when it’s not working and what you can do to fix it, and offers proven and practical methods and techniques. On Day 1, we explore the Hidden Tools–useable, practical tools that you can apply immediately to your work. Day 2 focuses on character, structure, comic premise and specific ways of applying the tools to text.
The workshop covers includes interactive exercises, solo and group writing activities, as well as a liberal use of clips from current and classic comedies to illustrate our points and principles.

For years, Steve Kaplan has been the industry’s most sought-after expert on comedy. In addition to having taught at UCLA, NYU, Yale and other top universities, Steve Kaplan created the HBO Workspace, the HBO New Writers Program and was co-founder and Artistic Director of Manhattan Punch Line Theatre. He regularly serves as a consultant and script doctor to such companies as Dreamworks, Disney, HBO, Paramount, Touchstone and others.
In New York, Steve was co-founder and Artistic Director of Manhattan Punch Line Theatre, where he developed writers such as Peter Tolan (Analyze This, Finding Amanda), writer and producer David Crane (Friends, Joey, The Class), writer/producer Tracy Poust (Ugly Betty, Will & Grace), Michael Patrick King (The Comeback, Sex and The City, Will & Grace),David Ives (Venus in Fur), Will Scheffer (Big Love), Howard Korder (LAKEVIEW TERRACE starring Samuel Jackson and Ashton Kutcher), Lisa Loomer, Tom Donaghy, Sandra Tsing Loh (CHICKEN LITTLE), Kenneth Lonergan and Mark O’Donnell (HAIRSPRAY starring John Travolta) and introduced such performers as Lewis Black, Mercedes Ruehl, Oliver Platt, Helen Slater, Fisher Stevens, Veanne Cox, Sam McMurray, Vickie Lewis and Illeana Douglas.
In Los Angeles, he created the HBO New Writers Project, discovering HBO Pictures screenwriter Will Scheffer and performer/writer Sandra Tsing Loh; and the HBO Workspace, a developmental workshop in Hollywood that introduced and presented performers such as Jack Black and Tenacious D, Kathy Griffin, Bob Odenkirk and David Cross (Mr. Show), Josh Malina and Paul F. Tompkins. At the Workspace, he was Executive Producer for the award-winning HBO Original Programming documentary DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. Steve has directed in regional theaters and Off-Broadway (including Sandra Tsing Loh’s ALIENS IN AMERICA at Second Stage) and has developed, produced and directed other one-woman shows with actress Lauren Tom and comediennes Nora Dunn and Kathy Buckley.
Der Workshop findet in englischer Sprache statt. Veranstaltungsort ist der Hörsaal 0601 im Theresianum der Technischen Universität München. Anders als bei unseren „normalen“ Seminaren wird es hier vermutlich von unserer Seite keinen Kaffee, kein Obst etc. geben können – die Teilnehmer sind daher gut beraten, sich ihre (Über-)Lebensmittel ausnahmsweise selbst mitzubringen.
Die Münchner Filmwerkstatt veranstaltet diesen Workshop in Zusammenarbeit mit der Drehbuchwerkstatt München und dem Creative Europe Desk München und mit freundlicher Unterstützung des FilmFernsehFonds Bayern.
Antworten auf häufige Fragen z.B. zu Ort, Uhrzeiten, Unterkunft, Anmeldung, öffentlicher Förderung z.B. mit den Prämiengutscheinen der Bildungsprämie (durch die bei Vorliegen der Voraussetzungen 50 Prozent des Teilnehmerbeitrags übernommen werden) u.v.a.m. finden sich unter – die dort niedergelegten Regelungen sind gleichzeitig auch unsere Vertragsbedingungen. Eine vollständige, laufend aktualisierte Übersicht des gesamten Seminarangebots findet sich unter